getting rid of the yellow comment-fields in the XL-sheet

This is not really a how-to, but just a quick tip.
When I started working with OpenClinica the yellow comment-thingies floating in the XL-sheet were informative. But after a while they were more irritating than useful, but being the XL-nono I am, I could not get rid of them. And now at last someone has made my OpenClinica day and shown me.

Here's what you do:
- put the cursor in a cell
- click menu "Data"
- click "Validate ... "
- choose "Input message"
- uncheck the box
- click "OK"

Repeat these steps for every tab, CRF-Sections-Groups-Items. And that's all there is to it: no more floating yellow thingies.

but now we're here ...

Having gone this far, we might just as well do two more things: add your company's name and your own to the sheet. Click on "File", "Properties", choose "Summary".

And as a final touch: go to tab "Items" and click on cell B2. In the menu click on "Windows" and then "Freeze Panes".